Valentine's day vs Chap Goh Meh ♥

Happy Valentine's day !!
How u all celebrate the day ?!
PhewPhit~ I'm going movie with my baby boy !!
Oppss I'm saying "baby boy"
Guess who ??

She is my baby boy !!
All are having their candle's light dinner on that day right ?
But we take something different with other !!!
That is....Roti Bawang !!!
And my baby boy name the drink as Teh Brandy and M's Brandy

When you are truly in love with someone, everyday is actually Valentine's day !!
So that nothing special with the Valentine's day :)

Week later is time for Chap Goh Meh !!
Time to throw Orange !!
Actually I never went to the celebration before
This the very first time I been there !!
Is fun yet I feel excited *1st time to throw kam *..*

See I'm so concentrate to write down my wishes
As I know peoples used to write down the phone's number and name right?
But I have no idea with it so end up we all write down the wishes LoL

I'm aiming hard to throw inside the bakul
But end up fail I throw the orange into the sea
Is that mean my wishes gone :(

Okiess after throw the oranges
Is time for us to capture capture !!

The Building

We all look funny here :D

So ngam we both are in Stripe =x

Nothing else to pose =0

We are searching some other place to continue chill
Some suggest OverTime..Purple Salsa
End up Martini our choice
Night w/o alcohol replace with Vanilla Milk Shake ♥

And also time for gambling !!!
Sing sing and poke poke over the night
I almost forget that still need to work on the next day
I cant really concentrate on my work cause I'm seriously lack of sleep !!

The only nice group picture taken on that day
Thanks peoples for help !!

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